Mandatory insurance with TEKA
As of 1.1.2022, insurance by TEKA is mandatory for all persons, regardless of age, undertaking, for the first time, insurable work or employment or all persons acquiring for the first time insurance status which until that date would have been subject to e-EFKA’s auxiliary insurance.
Also, all persons born from 1.1.2004 onwards are subject to TEKA's insurance, if they undertake employment or acquire an insurable status for which until 31.12.2021 would have been subject to e-EFKA’s auxiliary insurance, regardless of whether they had worked before 1.1.2022.
As of 1.1.2022, persons who undertake employment in Greece for the first time but have previously worked in an EU member state, or a in state with which Greece has a Bilateral Social Security Agreement or in a third country shall be subject to TEKA's insurance.
Furthermore, as of 1.1.2022, new entrants to the labour market who have done an internship, within the framework of a study course for the acquisition of a degree, and were insured against the risk of a labour accident for 1% shall be insured with TEKA.
New entrants to the labour market means persons who until 31.12.2021 had never undertaken work which was considered insurable for pension purposes.
The following persons shall be subject to TEKA's insurance :
a. All civilian staff of the Public Sector regardless of the type of their contract (permanent, non-permanent, open ended contract, fixed term contract), who would have been subject to e-EFKA’s auxiliary insurance.
Uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces and the Coast Guard are not subject to TEKA’s insurance.
b. Private sector employees who would have been subject to e-EFKA’s auxiliary insurance.
Insured persons subject to the compulsory insurance of Occupational Insurance Funds (Occupational Insurance Fund of Insurers And Personnel of Insurers Companies, Mutual Insurance Fund of Pharmaceutical Employees, Occupational Pension Fund For Employees of Food Commerce, Occupational Pension Fund For Employees of Food Commerce) and in EDOEAP shall remain in their current insurance status and are not subject to TEKA's insurance.
c. Non salaried insured persons: Self-employed lawyers, notaries, persons insured in ex TSMEDE’s main pension branch (engineers and public works contractors), as well as certain categories of professionals (bakers, petrol station owners, private school owners who have teaching responsibilities, chemists and chemical engineers who exercise an occupation related to their field). A detailed list of all persons subject to TEKA insurance can be found here.
TEKA optional insurance
Αs of 1.9.2023, self-employed health professionals, persons exercising an occupation subject to the insurance of ex OGA, as well as persons exempt from mandatory insurance in other auxiliary insurance Funds on the basis of a special or general provision, may opt to be insured with TEKA provided they have not attained the age of 35 at the time they submit their request.
Furthermore, from 1.1.2023 to 31.12.2024, persons born after 1.1.1987 that are insured in e-EFKA’s auxiliary pension branch could opt to change auxiliary insurance Funds and transfer to TEKA.
Insured persons born before 1.1.1987
Nothing changes for insured persons born before 1.1.1987. They will claim a pension based on the current system and their pensions shall be calculated based on existing rules. More detailed information can be found on e-EFKA’s website.