Newly Insured Salaried Persons


  • Am I eligible for insurance with TEKA?

    If you are a salaried person employed either in the private or public sector -with the exception of the salaried persons stated in the next paragraph- and you first started working in Greece on 1.1.2022 or later, or if you were born on or after 1.1.2004, then you are subject to TEKA for your auxiliary insurance. If you started working on or before 31.12.2021, then you are subject to e-EFKA’s auxiliary insurance.

    Private sector a) persons who are compulsorily insured with Occupational Insurance Funds (TEA-EAPAE, TEAYFE, TEAYET and ETEAPEP) and b) persons insured with EODEAEP and the Bank of Greece are excluded from the above. From the public sector, uniformed personnel of the Armed Forces and the Coast Guard are excluded.

    More information in regards to persons eligible for TEKA insurance can be found here.

  • I have previously worked abroad. Am I eligible for insurance with TEKA?

    If you started working in Greece, for the first time, from 1.1.2022 onwards, then you are compulsorily subject to TEKA insurance even if you have previously worked abroad.

  • Before 01.01.2022 I was insured against the risk of a labour accident for 1% in the context of my internship. Am I eligible for insurance with TEKA?

    In this case you are eligible for TEKA insurance. In other words you are considered a new entrant to the labour market since you had not been insured for pension benefits until 31.12.2021.

  • What process should I follow to register for TEKA insurance?

    You are not required to follow a new, separate process for registering with TEKA. The processes for declaring the start of insurance and registering in e-EFKA suffice.

  • What are insurable earnings and what is the maximum amount of insurable earnings?

    Insurable earnings are those earnings for which social security contributions are due

    The earnings over a certain amount are not considered insurable.

    Currently, the maximum amount of insurable earnings (cap) is €7,572.62. This means that if your monthly earnings are higher than that, you are not liable for payment of contributions on the amount above the cap. 

  • How can I find out if I am eligible for insurance with TEKA?

    Using your taxisnet credentials you can issue a Registration Certificate from the e-EFKA website. The certificate states “New Auxiliary” if you are subject to TEKA auxiliary insurance and “Old Auxiliary” if you are subject to e-EFKA auxiliary insurance.

  • How can I change my contact details in the TEKA Register?

    TEKA sources its information on insured persons from the e-EFKA Register. Therefore, in order to change your contact information you must either contact a Register Department in any e-EFKA Local Office or use e-EFKA’s electronic services.

    Click here for more detailed information about updating your contact details.


  • What is the rate of TEKA contributions?

    The rate of contributions for the new auxiliary insurance remains as is. This means that you are liable for the same contributions whether you are insured with e-EFKA or TEKA.

    Currently, the rate of contributions for the majority of the public and private sector salaried persons is 6% of gross earnings (3% for the employer and 3% for the employee).

    For more details and special categories of employees, click here.

  • How do I pay my contributions?

    If you are a salaried person, your contributions are paid by your employer. The employer withholds from your gross earnings the employee contributions (3% of gross earning) and pays them to TEKA for auxiliary insurance along with the employer contributions (3% of gross earnings).